Improve Demand Forecasting Accuracy to Stay Ahead of the Curve

Perpetual licensing fees, inflexible algorithms, and complex models make working with traditional demand forecasting tools expensive and cumbersome for companies of all types. At Wavicle, we empower your teams with customizable, cloud-based forecasting solutions that seamlessly integrate with your business processes and technical systems.


Wavicle’s cutting-edge data science models deliver probability-based forecasts, giving businesses deeper insight and more accurate projections. Our solutions are designed to align with your financial goals to support better budgeting and improved bottom-line performance. Reach out to our team today to learn how we can help you maximize your forecast value add.

Improve Demand Forecasting Accuracy

Get a robust platform for all your demand forecasting needs

Quickly assess current forecasting accuracy 

Identify missed profit opportunities due to stockouts and disruption

Measure the impact of forecasting on current financial metrics

Develop a strategic forecasting roadmap to meet business objectives


The impact of Wavicle’s demand forecasting solution

Industry leaders have observed significant bottom-line results when implementing Wavicle’s demand forecasting solution. These have included:


  • 7.5% reduction in inventory
  • 5% increase in gross margin
  • 15% increase in EBIT
The impact of Wavicle’s demand forecasting solution

A modern, flexible forecasting solution that empowers businesses in an unpredictable world

Access and customize models to best fit your business, industry, and goals

Reduce time-to-insights with pre-built models and dashboards without high licensing fees

Make more informed decisions based on stochastic (probability-based) models

Extract greater financial value from models built to align with your financial goals

Equip your business with superior forecasting capabilities

Equip your business with superior forecasting capabilities

Wavicle helps businesses extend their competitive advantage by improving supply chain management, enhancing customer experience, and increasing efficiency. With our proprietary forecasting solution, Wavicle enables companies to improve forecast accuracy, anticipate inventory needs, and optimize operations.


Our solutions empower your team to make strategic business and production decisions in unpredictable markets by providing a full range of possible outcomes to support growth and financial goals.

News, insights, and results


Want to meet consumer expectations? Demand forecasting is key

case study

Vyaire Medical gets global sales, inventory, and forecasting insights


Innovative forecasting strategies: Leveraging data and AI for demand prediction


Demand forecasting is always wrong: Three ways to thrive with forecast ambiguity

Discover how a flexible forecasting solution can boost your company’s financial health