Digital transformation
Greenhouse grower and distributor
Wavicle Data Solutions helped this leading gourmet produce company modernize data and analytics systems as part of its digital transformation journey.
Build & Migrations
Business Analytics
Business Intelligence & Insights
Data Management
Microsoft Fabric
Microsoft SQL Server
Power BI

Digital transformation

Greenhouse Grower Modernizes Data and Insights Through Digital Transformation

A leading North American grower and distributor of gourmet greenhouse produce encountered difficulties due to a decentralized data structure that led to data inconsistencies, siloed systems, and significant manual work to compile company reports. They recognized the need to overhaul their data ecosystem to create a unified source of truth and unlock the complete potential of their data assets, enabling better decision-making and increased efficiency and fostering innovation. The company partnered with Wavicle to modernize its data ecosystem and establish a centralized, efficient future state.


The challenges of a decentralized data environment 

This leading greenhouse grower relied on an aging data environment that was misaligned with modern data collection, organization, and analysis needs. The outdated systems hindered the company’s ability to gain insight into their own operations and find opportunities for improvement, as they struggled to answer fundamental questions about their supply chain, sales, financial operations, and more. 


The outdated infrastructure presented a variety of challenges:


  • Absence of centralized data repository: With scattered data sources and no central, harmonized data storage, the company struggled to data efficiently view, use, and report on data. 
  • Inadequate data distribution methods: The lack of streamlined repositories and clear distribution methods introduced considerable inefficiencies in data access and utilization. 
  • Outdated reporting: The company’s reliance on manual efforts to report on data from different sources resulted in slow, complex reporting practices that left opportunities for manual error. Analysts were spending more than 30 hours per week compiling reports, which was a major drain on company time and resources. 


In response to these challenges, the company partnered with Wavicle to implement a comprehensive solution aimed at efficiently centralizing, managing, and reporting on their data. This initiative focused on establishing a unified data platform with speed, stability, and democratized data access to maximize impact for business users.


A modern data landscape using cutting-edge solutions  

Wavicle took a strategic approach aligned with the greenhouse produce company’s goals. Wavicle’s team assessed their current state, recommended a suitable technology stack for a centralized data ecosystem, and implemented new technologies for a modern data ecosystem. 


The company already used Azure and wanted to expand and modernize their existing architecture. Wavicle’s consultants recommended implementing Microsoft Fabric, recognizing its capability to efficiently manage large data volumes. This choice will also reduce the risk of technical debt, minimize disruption, and lower maintenance costs.  


Wavicle’s experts established a data lake within Microsoft Fabric and implemented data ingestion using data flow by applying a layered transformation approach—categorized into raw, silver, and gold layers. Bringing the company’s data into a consolidated data lake fuels new reporting systems using SQL and Power BI for improved data visualization. With comprehensive sales, supply chain, and finance data in the new ecosystem, the company can easily track and evaluate critical business KPIs and access the analytics they need to make critical business decisions.


The impact of digital transformation 

By providing the greenhouse produce grower and distributor with a single source of truth using Microsoft Fabric and Power BI, Wavicle enabled the company to answer business questions in near real time, with greater accuracy and without cumbersome manual reporting processes. Plus, the modernized ecosystem is built for scalability and continued development, with a focus on interoperability, efficient utilization, and consistency within budget. 


Wavicle’s intervention brought about a transformative change in the company’s data and analytics processes. Before Wavicle’s involvement, report generation was labor-intensive and challenging. However, with a new data architecture in place, data accuracy is greater and team members have rapid access to crucial KPIs. This enables the company to make better business decisions and ultimately saves costs by freeing up analysts’ time for more impactful work beyond basic reporting. 


The implementation not only optimized reporting processes but also enhanced data security, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of financial information. This improved framework empowered the company to gain deeper insights into their financial performance, identify trends, and make informed strategic decisions with confidence.