How Business Leaders Leverage Data as a Critical Asset

Author: Tien Doan

In today’s business world, data is king, and a company’s data is their most valuable asset for gaining insights into business operations, customers, and employees. Therefore, it is crucial to collect and manage data properly to allow for immediate access and accurate reporting. A modern approach to data management – with cutting-edge data storage and data architecture – facilitates data-driven decisions that grow the business, reduce costs, and minimize risk.


Data and analytics leaders look at millions of data points every day, and these data sets can be so large and complex that legacy data processing systems and software tools struggle to store, manage, process, and analyze them efficiently. By modernizing their approach to data management and the technologies used, companies are better equipped to leverage these vast, diverse sets of data. Using data, businesses can uncover valuable insights, make more informed decisions, and drive innovation.


Modern data strategies can help business leaders:


  • Identify trends, patterns, and correlations that inform strategic decision-making
  • Reveal valuable insights about customer behavior, preferences, and needs to improve targeting, personalize marketing, and enhance customer service
  • Optimize processes and resource use, reducing costs and improving efficiency
  • Identify gaps in the market and develop new products or services to address them
  • Identify and mitigate risks by monitoring a range of factors such as market fluctuations, customer behavior, and operational performance
  • Gain a competitive edge by understanding market dynamics, customer needs, and competitors’ strategies
  • Analyze employee performance, engagement, and productivity
  • Optimize operations by identifying inefficiencies and predicting demand
  • Make better investment decisions, manage cash flow, and improve pricing strategies


In order to leverage data effectively, business leaders need to invest in the right tools, technology, and talent, which includes partnering with skilled data professionals, developing a data-driven culture, creating strict data governance policies, and implementing advanced analytics solutions.


Challenges to leveraging data for analytics

Business leaders often face several data management challenges when trying to leverage their data for analytics. Some of the most common include a lack of data quality and accuracy, difficulty ensuring data security and privacy, barriers to accessing and sharing data, and difficulty selecting the right data management tools. Addressing these challenges can help businesses manage their data more effectively, enabling them to gain valuable insights for informed decision-making.


Data management strategies are also highly dependent on the organization’s size, its structure, and the complexity of its data. The larger and more complex the organization, the more difficult it is to set up an effective data management system, so it is critical to have a scalable, customized data management solution, including tools, technologies, and processes, to collect, access, store, and report data efficiently.


Data accuracy challenges

As the internet of things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) have become more widespread, many methods of data collection have become automated because the machines themselves are generating operational data without the need for manual input. However, employee- and customer-generated data are still often entered and collected manually, making them inherently more error-prone. Data quality and accuracy issues can arise from inconsistencies, mistakes, or missing values in the data, so implementing data validation and cleansing processes can ensure data accuracy and consistency.


Business leaders can also improve data accuracy by establishing strict, company-wide data governance policies with a structured approach to data collection and delivery. This approach typically includes a detailed architecture and modern data management technologies to ensure that business leaders can easily access quality, accurate data.


Data security challenges

Protecting and securing data is of the utmost importance. Ensuring data confidentiality and compliance with regulations, such as GDPR or HIPAA, can be challenging. Implementing robust data security measures, including access controls, encryption, and regular security audits, can help mitigate this challenge, but companies are continually walking a fine line between finding innovative ways to access all operational and customer data and keeping that data secure from the prying eyes of outsiders.


Data accessibility challenges

The data silos that inevitably exist within many organizations can make it difficult for analysts to access and share data, which can lead to duplicated efforts, inconsistencies, and missed opportunities for insight. Creating a data catalog can break down these silos to improve data discoverability and sharing. A data catalog is a comprehensive detailed inventory of an organization’s data assets. It serves as a central repository for metadata, data sources, and data descriptions, and its primary purpose is to manage data silos and facilitate easier access, discovery, understanding, and management of data within an organization.


Tool selection challenges

Choosing the right data management tools or platforms can be a significant challenge for business leaders. Several factors contribute to this complexity:


  • Unique needs: Identifying the right tools that align with an organization’s specific needs based on its size, industry, and business model requires a deep understanding of business processes and relevant data.
  • Technical complexity: Business leaders may struggle to understand the technical specifications of different platforms, making it difficult to choose the right one.
  • Integration issues: Ensuring that a new data management tool can integrate smoothly with existing systems is critical, but integration can be complex and time-consuming, and there may be compatibility issues.
  • Data security and compliance: Choosing a platform that provides robust security features and helps maintain compliance with relevant regulations requires understanding both the technical specifications and regulatory requirements.
  • Scalability: The chosen tools and platforms should be able to handle increased data volumes as the business grows, but it can be difficult to predict future needs accurately.
  • Cost considerations: The costs associated with data management tools can be significant, including not just the price of the software itself but also the costs of implementation, training, maintenance, and upgrades.


Despite these challenges, the benefits of choosing and implementing the right data management tools are substantial, including improved decision-making, increased efficiency, and the ability to build competitive advantages with data.


Accelerating the use of data as an asset

Ensuring that business leaders can easily access, utilize, and understand data is crucial for leveraging their vast amounts of data to make fully informed, data-driven decisions. Therefore, having a comprehensive data management and governance strategy is key to enabling business leaders to leverage their vast amounts of data fully.


Strong data management strategies ensure data is prepared for analytics and make it easier for business leaders to extract the insights they need to move the business forward. AI and machine learning (ML) can also help automate data management tasks, identify patterns, correct errors in real time, and provide insights that would be impossible with traditional methods. The use of AI and ML in data management can also speed up processing time, reduce costs, and streamline analytics.


Wavicle’s consultants understand the challenges that businesses face when it comes to data management and leveraging large volumes of complex data for critical business decisions. With a team of experienced data experts, Wavicle helps businesses improve the accuracy of their data, break down silos to make data more accessible, and implement the tools necessary to solve each company’s unique dilemmas. Wavicle helps businesses build the infrastructure they need to overcome the challenges associated with capturing, integrating, storing, structuring, and analyzing vast amounts of information so business leaders leverage their most valuable asset: their data.


Contact us today to find out how Wavicle’s data experts work with business leaders to help them reach their goals.