Instilling Data Quality Into Your Data Management Strategy

Author: Selva Vasudevan

Data is widely used in every industry to make crucial business decisions, so having the highest quality data from all areas of the business is essential. Poor data quality can lead to misguided decisions, increased costs, compliance issues, and a damaged reputation. It is crucial for organizations to prioritize data quality and incorporate it into their data management procedures to ensure the integrity, completeness, consistency, and usability of their data throughout its lifecycle. This article will explore the significance of data quality and discuss the key benefits and best practices for instilling data quality into your data management strategy.


Challenges in identifying data quality issues

The challenges related to data quality are not industry-specific, but issues with data quality can be difficult to identify for a variety of reasons, so here are some of the most common challenges companies should address when implementing data quality measures:


  • Lack of documentation: Insufficient or incomplete documentation of data sources, data collection processes and data transformations can make it difficult to understand and confirm the quality of the data. This also makes it more difficult to trace the origin of any data quality issues.
  • Data volume and complexity: With the exponential growth of data volume and the increasing complexity of data sources, it can be challenging to analyze and assess the quality of large datasets.
  • Standardization: One of the main challenges in data management is standardizing data across different systems, including ensuring consistency in data formats, naming conventions, and attributes. Standards may also evolve over time, causing confusion and leading to a lack of alignment between existing data and updated requirements.
  • Data silos: Many companies have data silos that are controlled by one or two departments. They usually face the challenge of merging these data at the enterprise level. Data must flow seamlessly from the data silos without losing any crucial information. Implementing data quality measures helps in regulating the flow of data and maintaining its accuracy throughout the data ecosystem.
  • Data access control: Establishing access control mechanisms is crucial to maintaining data quality. This ensures that authorized personnel adhere to rules and regulations when accessing and using data, reducing the risk of quality issues caused by human error or unauthorized data modifications.
  • Data transformation and migration: When data is transferred or migrated from one system to another, data may get cut off, lost, or improperly mapped during the process, leading to incomplete or inaccurate data.
  • Human error: Data quality issues can easily arise due to human error during data entry, cleansing or analysis. Errors as simple as typos or incorrect formatting can introduce larger system-wide errors that are difficult to detect without thorough data validation.


Overcoming these challenges requires a combination of technological solutions, data management best practices, skilled data experts, and a proactive approach to data quality assurance.


Ensuring high data quality

One critical factor in creating data quality measures is establishing a data governance framework within an organization. This entails establishing data governance policies and processes related to data management for each business unit within the organization. Every business unit has its own nuances and idiosyncrasies, so policies and processes cannot be “one-size-fits-all.” Instead, each part of the organization must individually address how it handles data quality checks, validations, standards, and the criteria that need to be followed department-wide to ensure comprehensive data quality from the beginning and develop guidelines to improve existing data and maintain its quality.


The data quality process also depends on where in the collection and analysis workflow the quality checks are performed. If checks are performed at the source system, the data is validated and standardized during entry to prevent data quality issues later on. Alternatively, if checks are done downstream, the data coming in needs to be continuously monitored to identify and fix issues before it gets to the analysis stage. In cases where data warehousing is involved, correct data may exist in the source system, but issues may arise in the integration processes that transfer the data. In such cases, the data needs to be corrected in the intermediary steps to ensure accurate data downstream.


To handle large data volumes and fuel real-time analytics, you need to invest in the right Industry 4.0 technologies. This is where Wavicle’s data and analytics consultants can help. The combination of our manufacturing domain expertise and data analytics skills will help to unlock the true potential of your data. We can transform your manufacturing process by implementing the right tech stack that will effectively integrate analytics into your organization.


Data profiling is another critical step in examining existing data to identify incomplete, incorrect, or inconsistent data or formats. Data profiling helps for understanding the nature and extent of data issues, which then informs subsequent data cleansing efforts. Even small anomalies in the data can drastically alter the quality and accuracy, so without regular monitoring, quality issues may go unnoticed leading to the degradation of data quality over time, which is why they need to be found and addressed quickly.


Data governance processes use the findings from data profiling to develop data quality checks and cleansing processes, which involve correcting or removing erroneous, incomplete, or inconsistent data. Data governance owners should also establish quality standards like consistent naming conventions and categorizations across all business units, which can significantly improve data quality and ensure that any data collected is ready for analysis. For example, if one area of the company collects customer data and uses the fields “first name” and “last name” while another department collects “full name,” it’s nearly impossible to easily equate the pieces of data between those three fields. Thus, the two entries are likely to be treated as two separate customers, which can distort overall customer data and metrics.


Following a thorough cleansing and check for inconsistencies, the data should be continuously monitored to promptly address any emerging issues before they become widespread. This requires consistent reporting mechanisms to track and fix data quality problems efficiently. By doing data quality checks, validation, and profiling, over time, organizations can ensure that both historic and current data is cleansed and ready for use.


The benefits of having quality data

Accurate and reliable data is the foundation for making informed decisions. By ensuring data quality, organizations can have confidence in the information they rely on to plan strategically, identify market trends, and understand customer behavior. High-quality data enables accurate forecasting, helps in risk management, and facilitates the identification of areas for cost reduction and new business opportunities. Additionally, data-driven insights derived from reliable data can lead to improved operational efficiency, optimized resource allocation, and competitive advantages in the market.


Poor data quality can have a direct impact on operational costs and efficiency. Inaccurate or duplicate data can lead to wasted resources, redundant processes, and increased operational errors. By instilling data quality into your data management strategy, you can streamline data integration, eliminate redundant data, and improve data accuracy. This, in turn, reduces costs associated with data errors, improves process efficiency, and enhances overall productivity.


Data quality is also closely linked to trust and reputation. Customers, partners, and stakeholders rely on accurate and trustworthy data to make informed decisions. Inaccurate or incomplete customer data can result in missed opportunities, poor customer service, and consequently, a loss of reputation and customer loyalty. Establishing data quality measures ensures that customer data is accurate, updated, and consistent across systems. Consequently, having quality data then enables personalized marketing campaigns, a better understanding of customer preferences, and more effective customer segmentation and, ultimately, it leads to a seamless customer experience and increased customer satisfaction.


Ensuring data quality is the key to business growth

Instilling data quality into data management is vital for organizations seeking to leverage data effectively. By considering key factors such as data governance, data profiling, and data cleansing, businesses can mitigate many data quality issues. Overcoming challenges related to issues like standardization, data silos, human error, and industry-specific requirements requires a well-defined process supported by continuous monitoring and improvement efforts. By adopting these practices, companies can ensure the accuracy, consistency, and usability of their data, empowering them to make informed decisions and drive business success.


With deep industry knowledge and technical expertise, Wavicle’s consultants can help you develop and implement an enterprise-wide data strategy that ensures your organization has access to the highest quality data, whenever you need it. Contact us today to discuss data quality solutions for your company.